AWS Cloud for Finance Professionals (AWS-CLD-FIN)

In this course, you will learn how finance professionals can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to adopt cloud in a fiscally responsible manner. You will gain foundational knowledge to help you manage, optimize, and plan cloud spend. You will learn how to influence your organization’s builders to be more accountable and cost conscious. Finally, you will consider how you can use AWS to innovate in your finance organization.

Course Information

Price: $1,400.00
Duration: 2 days
Learning Credits:
Course Delivery Options

Check out our full list of training locations and learning formats. Please note that the location you choose may be an Established HD-ILT location with a virtual live instructor.

Train face-to-face with the live instructor.

Access to on-demand training content anytime, anywhere.

Attend the live class from the comfort of your home or office.

Interact with a live, remote instructor from a specialized, HD-equipped classroom near you. An SLI sales rep will confirm location availability prior to registration confirmation.

All Sunset Learning dates are guaranteed to run!



We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Cloud Computing and AWS from the digital version of AWS Cloud for Finance Professionals
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials
  • AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders


Target Audience:

This course is intended for enterprise finance stakeholders who want to learn how to maximize cloud business value, use CFM best practices, and help finance teams innovate with AWS.


Course Objectives:

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Define cloud business value
  • Estimate costs associated with current and future cloud workloads
  • Use tools to report, monitor, allocate, optimize, and plan AWS spend 
  • Optimize cloud spending and usage through pricing models
  • Establish best practices with Cloud Financial Management (CFM) and Cloud Financial Operations (Cloud FinOps)
  • Implement financial governance and controls 
  • Drive finance organization innovation


Course Outline:


  • Cloud spending decisions
  • AWS pricing 
  • Cost drivers
  • AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • AWS Cloud Value Framework
  • Activity 1.1: Cloud value metrics
  • Cloud Financial Management
  • Activity 1.2: Cloud Financial Management outcomes

Planning and Forecasting

  • Estimate cloud workload costs
  • Activity 2.1: Build and refine a cost estimate
  • Budget and forecast cloud costs
  • Improve cloud financial predictability

Measurement and Accountability

  • KPIs and unit metrics
  • Cost visibility and monitoring
  • Demonstration 3.1: Tools for cost visibility, tools for cost monitoring
  • Cost allocation and accountability
  • Cost allocation building blocks

Cost Optimization

  • Usage optimizations
  • Commitment-based purchase options
  • Activity 4.1: Cost optimization

Cloud Financial Operations

  • Organizational change for CFM
  • Organization models for CFM
  • Activity 5.1: Organizational models
  • Establish a cost-aware organizational culture
  • Governance, control, and agility
  • AWS governance and control building blocks
  • Automated-based governance using AWS services

Financial Transformation and Innovation

  • Keys to financial innovation
  • Financial transformation
  • Activity 6.1: Solutions for financial innovation

Resources and Next Steps

  • Module resources
  • Next steps